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2015 年比利時伊麗莎白女王國際音樂大賽優勝者魏靖儀,向全世界展現他在音樂方面的表現力與獨特聲音。決賽時,魏靖儀與 Marin Alsop 指揮的比利時國家管弦樂團,演出蕭士塔高維契的小提琴協奏曲。比利時《夜晚時報》(Le Soir)讚譽:「魏靖儀在第一樂章已經吸引了所有人的目光,在第四樂章,他已經呈現這個樂章所有的可能性,在音樂中爆發出他的熱情與自由直到最後。」

目前尚在紐約求學的魏靖儀,已經榮獲 2013 年「庫柏國際小提琴比賽」首獎(Thomas and Evon Cooper International Competition),並與克里夫蘭管弦樂團在賽佛倫斯音樂廳(Severance Hall)演出柴可夫斯基的小提琴協奏曲。同年,他贏得茱莉亞音樂院協奏曲比賽首獎,並與該音樂院管弦樂團在林肯中心的艾莉絲.塔利廳(Alice Tully Hall)演出布魯赫的《蘇格蘭幻想曲》。

魏靖儀在獲得布魯塞爾伊莉莎白皇后國際小提琴比賽之後,開始展開他個人的獨奏生涯。近期的獨奏會以家鄉台灣為主,與比利時國家管弦樂團、臺北市立交響樂團、台北愛樂管弦樂團、台南市立交響樂團、台灣絃樂團、世宗獨奏家樂團(Sejong Soloists)與 Mainzer Virtuo 合作多首協奏曲。

魏靖儀亦受邀在多個音樂節與音樂廳演出,如卡內基音樂廳、紐約林肯中心、艾莉絲.塔利廳、紐澤西四弦音樂節、佛蒙特綠山音樂節、義大利 Casalmaggiore 音樂節、比利時公牛音樂廳(le Boeuf)、首爾藝術中心、義大利史特拉底瓦里博物館(Museo del Violino)與台灣國家音樂廳。他亦與多位世界知名的音樂家合作,如吉爾.夏漢、Marin Alsop、Brian Suits、胡乃元、林昭亮與吉博.瓦格(Gilbert Varga)。

魏靖儀 1994 年生於台南,五歲由鍾佳妙老師啓蒙,開始學習小提琴,在台期間就讀永福國小、大成國中、台南女中音樂班,先後師事許恕藍、吳孟平與陳鈺雯老師;亦曾於大師班接受胡乃元大師指導。魏靖儀 16 歲進入茱莉亞音樂院先修班,之後獲得 Jerome L. Greene 基金會獎學金,進入茱莉亞音樂院大學部就讀,現師事 Hyo Kang 和李宜濠教授。

Laureate of the prestigious 2015 Queen Elisabeth International Violin Competition, Taiwanese violinist William Wei has begun to show his expressive and unique sound to the world. Following William’s Shostakovich Concerto in the final of the Queen Elisabeth with conductor Marin Alsop and the National Orchestra of Belgium, the Belgium Newspaper Le Soir states that “William Wei gets everyone’s attention in the first movement; he expresses all the possibilities in the second movement; William burns all his passion and freedom in the music till the end.”

During his studies at New York, William won the Thomas and Evon Cooper International Competition in 2013, which gave him the opportunity to perform the Tchaikovsky Violin Concerto with the Cleveland Orchestra at the Severance Hall. He then went on to win the Concerto Competition organized by the Juilliard School and played Bruch’s Scottish Fantasy at the Lincoln Center Alice Tully Hall.

William began his solo career following the 2015 Queen Elisabeth International Violin Competition and his solo performances began with his first recital debut in Taiwan, followed by multiple concerto opportunities with the Belgium National Orchestra, Taipei Symphony Orchestra, Taipei Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra, Taiwan String Academy, Sejong Soloists, and Mainzer Virtuosi. William has also been invited to perform in festivals and venues such as the Lincoln Center, the Carnegie Hall, Alice Pratt Brown Hall, Kaufman Music Center Merkin Concert Hall, 4string festival in New Jersey, Incheon Music Festival in Korea, Green Mountain music festival in Vermont, Casalmaggiore music festival in Italy, Henry le Boeuf Hall in Belgium, Gasteig Conert Hall in Munich, Seoul Arts Center, Cremona Stradivari Museum (Museo del Violino) and the Taiwan National Concert Hall. William has worked with renowned musicians such as Gil Shaham, Marin Alsop, Brian Suits, Nai Yuan Hu, Cho Liang Lin, Orion Weiss and Gilbert Varga.

Born in Taiwan, William began his studies on the violin at the age of five. Since entering the Juilliard Pre-College Division at the age of 16, he has continued his studies at the school with Hyo Kang and I-Hao Lee. William is currently a recipient of the Jerome L. Greene Foundation Scholarship for his Bachelor degree at The Juilliard School.

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